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  • 6 May 2024 10:39 AM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    You can find the ABC Spring 2024 newsletter here. If you have any questions regarding the ABC, please reach out to our representative, Danielle Hankinson.

    ABC Newsletter - Spring 2024

  • 3 Apr 2024 10:14 AM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    Greetings MAFS Members,

    Are you interested in being more involved with MAFS?  Consider running for one of four open Board of Directors’ offices:

    President – Elect


    Fall Meeting Manager


    The attachment provides a brief description of duties.  For a full description, refer to the Administrative Rules.

    If you or someone you know is interested, please complete the Nomination Form found under the “Resources” tab after you login to the MAFS website ( Forms are due by June 15, 2024.

    I am happy to answer any questions you may have.


    Jill Baker

    MAFS Past President

    Nomination Committee Chair

    P: 630-407-2103

  • 28 Mar 2024 4:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The AFQAM Executive Board is pleased to announce the release of the AFQAM Cooperative Training Program! This training program is designed for those new to forensic quality assurance and will provide a key steppingstone to achieving success in the position and with the responsibilities. The training program was developed by experienced forensic quality assurance experts and is broken up into courses that focus on key topics in quality assurance. The first two courses available are ‘Introduction to ISO’ and ‘Accreditation – What Is It Good For?’.


    The AFQAM Cooperative Training Program is open to everyone, and you do not need to be an AFQAM member to participate. Each course can be purchased individually, and a certificate of completion will be given to the student at the successful completion of the course. The interactive training will keep you engaged, motivated, and eager to learn as you progress through the course.


    This training program is ideal for those new to quality assurance or interested in quality assurance such as new Quality Manager’s, Technical Leader’s, new hires, or other roles that assist with quality assurance in the laboratory. Whether you are simply seeking to learn more about what the job entails, or seeking tools to help you succeed in your job, this is for you!


    To review the available courses and register please follow this link:


    Additional courses will be released in the near future.


    For questions, please email

  • 19 Mar 2024 2:17 PM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    Dates: 05/07/2024 - 05/09/2024

    Location: Marriott at University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio

    Abstract: This 3-day spring workshop will teach attendees how to build and maintain a positive team culture. Through a series of lectures and hands-on activities, they will learn how previous leadership lessons (ie, communication, motivation, growth mindset, followership) contributes to the workplace. The class includes a Ted Lasso Leadership section, The Happy Class, Recognizing a Positive Team and Teambuilding to build a positive team culture. Attendance at previous MAFS Leadership workshops is not necessary, however, content is aimed at employees who are or want to be leaders within their workplace.

    Registration: $450 for members and $550 for non-members


    Contact: Brooke Ehlers,

  • 11 Dec 2023 10:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    138th CAC Seminar

    Spring 2024

    Date: April 15-19, 2024

    Location: Millennium Biltmore Hotel

       506 South Grand Avenue

       Los Angeles, CA 90071

    Theme: Once Upon a Crime in Hollywoodland

    Agenda Highlights:

    • Panel discussions on emerging technologies in forensics
    • Case studies showcasing successful application of forensic methodologies
    • Workshops on specialized forensic techniques and tools
    • Networking sessions to connect with fellow professionals and researchers 

    If you are interested in participating as a speaker, panelist, or workshop facilitator, we kindly request that you complete the Abstract Submission Form by February 1, 2024. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable in enriching the content of the seminar.

    For additional information, please see the attached flyer or visit our seminar page at Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you to our seminar.

  • 10 Oct 2023 7:57 AM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)


    As part of our commitment to bring you quality and relevant exams, we need your help to determine if the knowledge and skills that we are testing are still applicable to your job! Below is a link to a survey which will ask you a series of questions about how frequently a forensic scientist with one year of experience does a task and how important that task is. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will be used to reassess the blueprint of the Foundational Knowledge Examination. 

    The survey will list a series of tasks, such as "maintain chain of custody." Ask yourself "how important is it for a forensic scientist with one year of experience to maintain chain of custody? how frequently does a forensic scientist with one year of experience have to maintain chain of custody?"  As you go through the survey, please answer the questions as they pertain to a forensic scientist with one year of experience that works in your lab, not necessarily how they pertain to *you* at your current experience level.

    If you have questions about the survey, please contact Audra Yovanovich at Thank you for your support of ABC and we look forward to seeing your responses!

    Survey link -->

  • 16 May 2023 7:11 AM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    Attached is the Spring newsletter from the American Board of Criminalistics.

    Spring Newsletter 

  • 21 Feb 2023 7:11 AM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    This course has been developed for forensic practitioners with expertise in the analysis of paint. Course content will include discussion of the different paint formulations used for a variety of coatings applications, data analysis, and interpretation as well as report writing. Included in this 4.5 day class is a 2 day session on the use of the Paint Data Query (PDQ) database for sourcing OEM automotive paint. Access to PDQ will be provided for the workshop and practical exercises will be discussed to better familiarize attendees with the use of the database. There will also be practical exercises designed to provide examples of different paint systems for microscopical examination. The Advanced PDQ Workshop is recommended for forensic scientists with automotive paint experience and should be familiar with both the RCMP PDQi software and Wiley (formerly Bio -Rad) KnowItAll™ Software. This course will include spectral interpretation of common binders/resins as well as recognition of peak patterns/combinations, Layer System Query Searches, Fill-In-The-Blank Searches, KnowItAll searches (including the multi-layer search function), best practices for searching. Participants will be completing PDQ exercises and are welcome to bring their own unknown case.

    Computer Requirements: 

    A laptop with Windows XP or newer is required. Participants must have the PDQ program as well as the KnowItAll search software installed on their computer. Administrative rights are recommended. Anyone without current access to the PDQ program is asked to contact the PDQ Team ( ) prior to registering for the workshop. 

    This Workshop can only accommodate 20 students.  A waitlist will be available for those who cannot get on the initial list.

    Dates: June 5, 2023 - June 9, 2023

    Pricing: Spring Workshop Pass (member-$400.00) (non-member-$500.00)

    Register Here

  • 13 Feb 2023 3:41 PM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    The Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG) is looking to fill the MAFS representative position in the SWGDRUG core committee.  The candidate should represent the general interests of the MAFS community and bring their experience and knowledge to this very diverse group. Ideally, the candidate is still active in casework, either as an analyst, immediate supervisor, or quality assurance expert.  More information about SWGDRUG and what they do can be found on their website at

    Below is a list of responsibilities for the representative:

    ·         Attend annual in-person SWGDRUG meetings (the next SWGDRUG meeting is scheduled for the week of June 26 in Chicago, IL)

    ·         Provide a short update on their respective forensic organization during in-person SWGDRUG meetings

    ·         Active participation during drafting and revision of SWGDRUG products (this may include in-person as well as virtual tasks between meetings)

    ·         Provide SWGDRUG updates to their respective forensic organizations (electronically and preferably in-person during their annual meetings)

    Should you have any questions about the responsibilities of being a member of the SWGDRUG core committee, please email Dr. Sandra Rodriguez-Cruz ( or Mr. Chris Matchett (

    If interested, submit a letter of interest and your resume to MAFS President, Jillian Baker, at by Friday, March 17, 2023.  The MAFS Board of Directors will review applicants and submit the top candidates to SWGDRUG for consideration.

    Please find a link to the latest SWGDRUG Bulletin here: SWGDRUG Bulletins

  • 9 Feb 2023 2:44 PM | Brian Clemons (Administrator)

    MAFS Chats are virtual roundtable discussions lead by the Section Coordinators and available to MAFS members.  The following schedule is subject to change.  The Zoom meeting information will be emailed to you for MAFS chats related to your primary section. 



    Tuesday, March 21, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Tuesday, June 20, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Tuesday, September 19, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern



    Wednesday, January 18, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, April 19, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, July 19, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern


    Latent Prints

    Tuesday, April 4, 2023 @ 1100 Central / 1200 Eastern

    Tuesday, June 6, 2023 @ 1100 Central / 1200 Eastern



    Monday, March 13, 2023 @ 1130 Central / 1230 Eastern

    Monday, June 19, 2023 @ 1130 Central / 1230 Eastern


    Crime Scene

    Wednesday, February 15, 2023 @ 1400 Central / 1500 Eastern



    Friday, March 3, 2023 @ 1100 Central / 1200 Eastern

    Wednesday, June 21, 2023 @ 1100Central / 1200 Eastern


    Questioned Documents

    Wednesday, April 12, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, June 21, 2023 @ 1300Central / 1400 Eastern



    Wednesday, March 15, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, June 14, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, September 13, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

    Wednesday, December 13, 2023 @ 1300 Central / 1400 Eastern

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